Beech (5) 2024 - 2025

Mr Sainsbury

 Welcome to Beech  


Teacher Contact Email:

Mr Sainsbury


Mrs Mapp

Beech class is home to the a perfect blend of 32 year 5 children. We always work together as a team, using our learning powers all the time to help us succeed. Most importantly 'Kind people are our kind of people!'.

Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.


Please follow the tabs to find out about other areas of the curriculum such as reading and spellings and homework.

Key links to support homework - 

MyMaths -

TTrockstars - -

Useful websites to support and enrich learning

All 40 pieces - BBC Teach

Activities for Kids (

Imperial War Museums (

Games | Childline


for parents:

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl

Files to Download

Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones