Wellbeing & Mental Health
Supporting children at Malpas Alport to strong mental health now and in the future.
At Malpas Alport Primary School, we approach the wellbeing of our pupils in a proactive way; all our staff receive regular training to help them reinforce the values and ethos of the school. We want our children to know how to build life-long happiness and feel safe and secure in school in whatever activity they are taking part in. Within each classroom there is a calm zone and outside classrooms there are calm areas and sensory spaces where every child has access to resources if they are feeling overwhelmed or just need some time to reflect or talk to someone.

We use the MyHappyMind curriculum which is a complete mental health and emotional wellbeing package. It is a science and NHS backed programme which is grounded in the latest research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing. The programme is an integral part of our relationships curriculum and is taught across five modules: Meet my Brain; Celebrate; Appreciate; Relate and Engage and each introduces a new set of content and habits to help children build resilience, self-esteem and confidence.
SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship
SCARF is our whole school programme for PSCHE. It promotes positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement.
At the Alport, we encourge children to engage in and use mindfulness strategies. Using some of these strategies can help improve aspects of wellbeing and may also promote children's effective emotional self-regulation and ability to learn. Mindfulness creates a quiet, calm mind and can help children to focus and be ready for learning. This does not replace therapeutic approaches and resources that may be necessary to support some children.

My mental health and wellbeing is struggling at the moment- what should I do?
At Malpas Alport we have a three-tiered approach to supporting children with difficulties they may face.
Tier 1:
This is our quality first approach to mental health and wellbeing- weekly teaching all children the key components to life-long happiness and strong mental health- through myhappymind.
This builds healthy practices and habits for life.
Tier 2:
We have 2 staff who are ELSA trained and can provide social and emotional support to children under the guidance of the educational psychology team.
This would be a 6 week intervention with regular check-ins.
Tier 3:
We have an Art Therapist in school 2 days a week. This is for children whose difficulties are having a greater impact on their day-to-day life.
There is no time limit on this support- some children may need a term of this therapy, others may need longer.
Links and websites to support you from home:
Contact the NSPCC helpline or email help@nspcc.org.uk. 0808 800 5000
The Childline website has some brilliant support and advice for you and your child including a 'calm zone', a wellbeing toolkit, games and videos Childline 0800 1111
Parents A-Z Guide to Support | Mental Health Advice | YoungMindswww.nspcc.org.uk
Home - Healthbox CIC “Healthbox is a registered Community Interest Company (CIC), a not-for-profit organisation, committed to benefiting our local communities in Cheshire & Wirral.”
This site provides lots of free support and resources to support emotional literacy and nurture
The websites below are linked to wellbeing which we hope you find useful, especially in coping with issues like self isolation:
children's mental health resources
Emotional Literacy Support - https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/category/free-resources/
Minded - https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/
Online safety - https://nationalonlinesafety.com/
Support for Autistic Children - https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/
Rehab 4 Addiction – for those in need of help for substance misuse issues, including alcoholism and drug addiction. Learn about alcohol rehab in Cheshire now.