Equality and Diversity

At Malpas Alport, we are committed to promoting equality and eliminating discrimination.  We aim to provide an environment in which everyone involved in the school community is valued and respected. We have a strong belief in our responsibility to educate our pupils to respect and welcome all people in the world and to build an understanding of difference; reduce, challenge and eradicate stereotypes and prejudices.

  The Headteacher and Governing Body aims to:

  • carry out its legal duty in complying with the relevant legislation (including The Sex Discrimination Act, Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Employment Equality Regulations);
  • reinforce the school’s position as a provider of high quality education and as a good employer providing development opportunities;
  • ensure that equality remains high on the school’s strategic agenda;
  • establish good people management practice and to set out a proactive agenda in which discrimination is recognised as an organisational issue which needs an organisational response;
  • achieve a staffing composition that reflects the composition of the wider community;
  • ensure all staff work together with a shared sense of purpose to meet the needs of every pupil;
  • ensure that pupils and staff contribute towards a happy and caring environment by showing respect for, and appreciation of, one another as individuals;
  • ensure that complaints or evidence of failure to comply with the school’s equal opportunities policy will be dealt with promptly and fully investigated according to the relevant procedure (e.g. complaints relating to staff may be investigated either under the disciplinary, grievance or anti-harassment procedure as appropriate). All forms of discrimination by any person within the school’s responsibility will be treated seriously as such behaviour is unacceptable.

For further information on how we are complying with the public sector Equality Duty, please see our Equality Duty and Objectives Policy under Statutory Policies


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Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones