
At Malpas Alport,  the teaching of Music has been carefully considered to enable our pupils to become confident musicians in a range of areas. We follow the "model music curriculum" when planning our lessons. Our music curriculum aims to provide all pupils with equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and differentiated music curriculum matched well to their ages, abilities, interests, aptitudes and special needs. It is built to increase pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of music as they grow and develop and increase their connections with the world around them. Teachers are encouraged to use pieces from a wide range of cultures and traditions and that link to our topics each term.

Our curriculum progressively builds pupils knowledge and skills of the following key concepts:

  • Singing (developing pitch, melody, rhythm and control individually and as part of a group)

  • Listening (exploring feelings and emotions in response to music, giving opinions, identifying instruments, structure, musical features)

  • Composing (improvising, composing, notating: representing sounds through symbols, standard and non-standard notation)

  • Performing (singing, playing instruments, individual and groups, practising, rehearsing, presenting, recording, evaluating)

  • Musicianship (understanding music: pulse/beat/metre, rhythm, pitch/melody, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure/form)

In Foundation Stage, our pupils are taught weekly by Mrs. Jeffries. In the Autumn term our aim is to learn to sing nursery rhymes and action songs.

End point: Singing confidence

In Key Stage One, our pupils are taught music weekly by our class teachers. We use Charanga to aid learning and to easily link the music we teach to the topic that we are currently on. In this Autumn term we will be concentrating on the song 'Hands, Feet Heart ' by Joanna Mangona . This song celebrates South African music.

End point: Singing confidently with more complex skills.

In Oak, Ash and Sycamore, our pupils are taught music weekly by their class teacher and are supported by charanga. 

In Elm and Beech our pupils are taught by their class teachers and are supported by charanga. 

End point: Confident singing with the added element of instruments

Extra Musical Provision:

-Rock Steady

Rock Steady is the perfect opportunity for children to learn new skills, develop friendships and have a brilliant time in their very own rock band. They join their band mates for a weekly 30 minute session where they learn new songs and play cool instruments. We have 4 groups of 7 rock stars that each focus on a specific part of the band. They then perform their songs at the end of the term.

More info here:

-Front Row Music

Front Row Music believe that music should be as fun and accessible to young children as possible. Their emphasis is on performance and helping children to get excited about playing an instrument. Lessons take place each week in school time. Child will learn in a small group with friends focusing on music that they will know and love. They will focus on instruments such as ukuleles and guitars

More info here:

-Edsential Music Lessons

Edsential provide brass musical lessons on Friday after school. Children in KS2 will know Mrs Thomas who is our Music expert and provides the tutiton.


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Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones