Sports Allocated Sports Grant Expenditure

Over view of Sports Allocated Sports Grant expenditure to enhance the quality and breadth of PE and sports provision

PE is a part of every child’s entitlement to a good education. It provides pupils with the generic skills, knowledge and understanding they need to become physically literate, and at the same time gives most of them their first regular experiences of sport. When taught well, PE enthuses and inspires pupils to participate fully and develop a life-long love of physical activity, sport and exercise.

To view how much sport premium funding we receive and how it is spent, please click on the links below.


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Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones