Excellence for Everyone
2024-2025 CYCLE B
At Malpas Alport Primary School we aim to provide a high quality, inclusive, broad education that all our children will find interesting, engaging and fun.
We use the Early Years Statutory Framework, 2023 and the 2014 National Curriculum as the basis of our planning for all subjects. We aim to deliver an exciting and vibrant curriculum, which inspires a love of learning and unlocks the potential that lies within all of our children. High quality learning opportunities, with trips and visits are planned to develop happy, confident and aspirational children who know how to become successful learners. Our curriculum guides children to become skilled mathematicians, fluent readers and confident writers and who can apply these skills in all subject areas. It encourages all children to strive for the highest levels of attainment and achieve great progress for their individual starting points. We actively teach strategies for long-term happiness, confidence and strong mental health through the MY HAPPY MIND programme and our relationship education (SCARF).
A wide range of strategies are used to measure the impact of our curriculum and to ensure that pupil’s misconceptions or gaps in subject knowledge are addressed.
For further information on curriculum subject areas click on the relevant subject. For paper copies of any curriculum information, please contact the school office. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss our curriculum, please contact the office to make an appointment with Mrs Wetton.
At Malpas Alport, all lessons follow the same teaching sequence outlined above. These learning posters are on display in all learning areas around our school and are based on Rosenshine's Principle of Instruction, Retrieval Practice theory and EEF recommendations