The Graduated Approach

The Graduated Approach is a four-part continuous cycle made up of the following steps:

  • Assess – use a range of assessment strategies to identify the specific support needs of the child.
  • Plan – starting from the assessment, co-produce and share a plan, detailing the provision to be put in place.
  • Do – implement the agreed provision.
  • Review – monitor the learner’s progress and evaluate the success and impact of the support given.


A special educational need can be a number of different things and will fall into one of the four broad areas of SEN:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Sensory and/ or Physical.

A special educational need can be helped by putting extra support in at school, providing appropriate interventions, additional resources and in working with partnership with parents and, where required, external agencies. 

Please click the image below to find out more.


Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones