Homework in Elm
Most homework now will be set online on MyMaths, Spag.com
MyMaths homework will be set weekly. Once these tasks are complete, please encourage your child to use MyMaths to support their learning.
Target cards should be practised with an adult at home at least 4 times a week as these are key facts to aid mathematical fluency. Your child also has a copy of their target card in school.
Using 'Times tables Rock Stars' regulary really helps speed and fluency of timestables. We always look forward to seeing who is on our weekly class leaderboard as well as taking part in 'rockstar' battles!
Children have weekly spellings which need to be practised regularly at home –individual spellings. Alongside this, pupils are expected to be learning the Y5/6 statutory words which can be found on the website and on their Spelling Spies card.
Your child has access to SPaG.com where short, weekly tests will be set. This is to prepare your child for the SATs Grammar and spelling tests that they have to sit.
Pupils should be reading as much as they can at home. Reading should be recorded in your child's planner each night (on the week to week pages-just the book and page numbers read) and you should encourage to your child to read with you a couple of times a week. Written comprehension tasks may also be set and these will be completed on Seesaw.
Planners are provided in year 6 to help your child become more independent and organised in preparation for secondary school. The planners that we provide are a great resource as they provide a brilliant reference section, recommendations for reading and lots of useful and interesting facts.
Planners are used to record reading and books when they are completed, weekly scores for spellings and maths and any other notes we may have to share.
Planners need to be in school every day.
Every night and once over the weekend aim for 30-40 minutes time dedicated to home learning/revision
-10 minutes spellings every night
-15 minutes reading every night. This could be your own reading book or a book on ‘Active Learn’. Read to an adult at home at least once a week and don’t forget to get your reading passport signed.
-15 mins Maths including ‘MyMaths', your target card and going through your arithmetic test as well as improving your scores on Timestable Rockstars
Useful child friendly websites for extra learning -