Nursery Newsletters
Ways you can help your child:
We shall continue to create opportunities to build the children’s levels of independence. Please help us by encouraging your child at home wherever you can - fastening buttons, zipping up coats, using cutlery, putting on shoes, hanging up bags etc. These small achievements have a big impact on your child’s confidence in school.
Polite Reminders....
- Please support and encourage your child to put their own belongings in the correct tray on the class trolley, this will help your child know where to find each item during the day and will support your child’s transition into Foundation Stage class.
- Water bottles. Our school policy is water only, so please can we ask that you do not send in juice.
- Healthy snack - Please ensure that your child has one small healthy snack each day, for the afternoon. E.g. vegetable sticks, cherry tomatoes, breadsticks, cheese cubes, raisins, dried fruit. On Friday your child can have a small treat as it is ‘Fantastic Friday’
- Lunch bags – please ensure it has your child’s name clearly labelled
- Book Bags – please check for letters and art work, the children can put a keyring on them to help them identify their own bag independently
- Reading Journal – These will be changed every Wednesday in school; please support you child with reading daily at home and record all the books you read together in the reading journal.
- Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat and wellingtons in school; a large part of our day involves being outdoors
- Please, please, please remember to label all uniform and pack a small draw string bag with some spare clothes (just in case of an accident) to be left in school
- We have a lovely family photograph display board in class. If you haven’t done so already, please send a photograph of your child and family to add to the board.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and co-operation.
Files to Download
Newsletter 2.9.24.pdf Newsletter 9.9.24.pdf Newsletter 16.9.24.pdf Newsletter 23.9PDF.pdf Newsletter 30.9.24.pdf Newsletter 07.10.24.pdf Newsletter 14.10.24.pdf Newsletter 4.11.24.pdf Newsletter 11.11.24.pdf Newsletter 18.11.24.pdf Newsletter 25.11.24.pdf Newsletter 2.12.24.pdf Newsletter 9.12.24.pdf Newsletter 7.1.25.pdf Newsletter 13.1.25.pdf Newsletter 20.1.25.pdf Newsletter 25.11.24.pdf