
Homework in Beech

The purpose of the online homework is to help your child get in good routines ready for the expectations of secondary school and become more responsible and independent for their own learning. Regular reading, spelling and x table/maths fluency is essential so that your child feels confident to manage the demands of the year 5/6 curriculum.

Homework is set weekly (usually Monday to Monday) 


One or two activities and tasks will be set on MyMaths each week and will link where possible to current and prior learning in class. 


Daily X table practice is essential if your child still does not know all of the tables fluently. Regular participation on TTROCKSTARS is important to help your child master these facts. 



Your child has access to SPaG.com where one weekly test will be set. This is to help them master the grammar objectives for key stage two and also prepare your child for the SATs grammar test that they will sit at the end of year six. 



At home, we would like you encourage your child to select activities from the termly spelling menu to help practise and memorise the statutory words, which can be found on the ‘Spelling Spies' card and on the class pages. We suggest focusing on between 5 and 10 words each week.  Over the term, your child may also bring home some target words to practise that they have identified through our daily lessons and their writing. 

After half term, we will be introducing a spelling challenge for KS2. Details to follow. 


It is essential that your child reads daily with the expectation of 5 reads to an adult at home every week and a parent/carer signature in the reading record in the parent box each week.  

Excellent website for book ideas: 


Your child also has a recommended reading card which includes 50 books to read before year 6. 

In year 5, your child will receive a short reading comprehension task to complete. This will be set at the beginning of each week and will be marked in class. 

Creative homework menu  

There are termly activities linked to foundation subjects set on the creative homework menu. These are sent hom eat the beginning of the term and are also available on class pages on the school website. 


Suggestion for building a homework Routine:

Every night and once over the weekend aim for 30-40 minutes time dedicated to home learning/revision

-10 minutes spellings every night.

-15 minutes reading every night.  Read to an adult at home at least once a week and don’t forget to get your planner signed.

-15 mins Maths including ‘MyMaths’ and your target card as well as improving your scores on Timestable Rockstars.


BBC Bitesize is a great site to help your child with any areas of the curriculum they are unsure of or feel that they have missed. Its a good resource to help them revise and 'catch up' on aspects of learning they find tricky.

Useful child friendly websites for extra learning -















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Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Ashley Tilley
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEND Lead and contact: Mrs Eppi Jones